- Names with * indicates corresponding authors
2025 or accepted
- Yi, F., Xie, X., and Qiu, P. (2025), ``A change-point-detection chart for detecting process mean drifts with an application for monitoring the shape of the salton sea”, in Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 14, Springer, in press.
Xie, X. and Qiu, P. (2024), ``Online monitoring of air quality using PCA-based sequential learning”, Annals of Applied Statistics, 18, 600–625.
Xie, X. and Qiu, P. (2024), ``A general framework for robust monitoring of multivariate processes”, Technometrics, 66, 40–54.
Wang, Y., Xie, X., and Qiu, P. (2024), ``Nonparametric online monitoring of dynamic networks”, Journal of Quality Technology, 56, 214–243.
Xie, X. and Qiu, P. (2023), ``Control charts for dynamic process monitoring with an application to air pollution surveillance,’’ Annals of Applied Statistics, 17, 47–66. pdf
Xie, X. and Qiu, P. (2023), ``Dynamic process monitoring using machine learning based control charts,’’ In Artificial Intelligence for Smart Manufacturing: Methods, Applications, and Challenges (editted by Kim Phuc Tran), 65–82, Springer.
Qiu, P. and Xie, X.* (2022), ``Transparent sequential learning for statistical process control of serially correlated data,’’ Technometrics, 64, 487–501. pdf
Xie, X. and Qiu, P. (2022), ``Robust monitoring of multivariate processes with short-ranged serial data correlation,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 38, 4196–4209. pdf
Xie, X. and Qiu, P. (2022), ``Machine learning control charts for monitoring serially correlated data,’’ In Control Charts and Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing (editted by Kim Phuc Tran), 131–147, Springer. pdf
Yildiz, H., Talluri, S., Xie, X., Yoon, J., Qiu, P., and Wassick, J. (2022), ``Evaluating and monitoring distribution network efficiency with multivariate process control methods,’’ International Journal of Production Research, 38, 134–152.